It will ask for your permission to run a small download. Tell it yes and you should be good to go. It takes about 5 minutes to complete the analysis, after which you'll see a list of components it checked and how you graded. Personally, my 2-year-old PC failed on 5 out of the 9 component checks. Yeah, major bummer huh? I say yes and no. First off, as we've all come to know the Microsoft monopoly, Vista is going to have more bugs than an overly sentimental entomologist. I'm perfectly fine letting everyone else iron out all of the bugs for me. Secondly, Vista hasn't been getting all that great of reviews. Sure it's shiny and pretty to look at, but is shiny really worth upgrading half the components in your PC? For the same price you could invest in a new 20" widescreen LCD monitor and everything will look shinier!
So if you're considering an upgrade to Vista, run the analysis to make sure your PC is capable. Unless it's fairly new or you bought a high end computer to begin with, be prepared to do a little upgrading.
Upgrade Advisor
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